Power Embedded Pricing Calculator
Cotação do dólar: R$ 5,14
Tabela de preços da capacidade
Fabric SKU | Power BI Embedded SKU | Virtual cores | Maximum model size | Power BI Embedded - Mensal | Fabric - Mensal (EUA) | Fabric - Mensal (Brasil) | Fabric - Reserved Instance (USA) | Fabric - Reserved Instance (Brazil) |
F2 | N/A | 0.25 | 3 GB | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
F4 | N/A | 0.50 | 3 GB | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
F8 | A1 | 1 | 3 GB | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
F16 | A2 | 2 | 5 GB | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
F32 | A3 | 4 | 10 GB | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
F64 | A4 | 8 | 25 GB | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
F128 | A5 | 16 | 50 GB | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
F256 | A6 | 32 | 100 GB | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
F512 | A7 | 64 | 200 GB | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
F1024 | A8 | 128 | 400 GB | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
F2048 | N/A | 256 | 400 GB | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
Notes on Power BI Embedded/Fabric capacity pricing:
- The minimum number of users on the platform is 20. If you use less than 20 users, you will pay the amount equivalent to 20 users.
- Para contratar uma reserva de instância, você obrigatoriamente precisa de um parceiro Microsoft, pois contratando direto com a Microsoft, não é possível em algumas regiões, como o Brasil. Se quiser contratar sua capacidade com a gente, clique aqui para iniciar o processo.
- In the “Pay for Use” charging type, Microsoft counts the number of seconds that the capacity was on and charges over this time. In the “Reserved Instance”, you sign a 1-year contract, considering 24×7, and receive a 40.5% discount on the monthly capacity fee.
- The value of the PRO license is U$ 10 per month, per user, on the Microsoft website.
- The lowest capacity Fabric (F2) is cheaper than the lowest capacity Embedded (A1) but has 4x fewer vCores.
- When you activate Fabric or Power BI Embedded capability in a workspace, it becomes a Premium Workspace and you will have access to several Power BI Premium Features, mesmo utilizando conta Pro para acessar os relatórios.
- The values presented in the table above may change due to capacity price changes by Microsoft or variations in the dollar exchange rate.
- An assessment of the environment is necessary to define the most suitable capacity according to the volume of data, sizes of the data sets and other factors that influence performance, such as RLS, quantity and duration of updates, incremental updates, etc.
- To learn more about Microsoft Fabric features and capabilities, visit this link here.
- A taxa de instalação do sistema (R$ 1.500,00) pode ser parcelada em até 3x sem juros.
What capacity do I need for my company?
To estimate how many users Power Embedded is cheaper than your current license, we depend on some information about your environment and what type of licensing you currently use.
To define the most suitable capacity of Power BI Embedded or Microsoft Fabric for your scenario, you can send us the quantity and size of each Power BI data set that will be imported into the platform so that we can estimate which capacity is most suitable. suitable for your scenario and would just be a estimate, as there are several other factors that influence the use of capacity beyond just size, such as model complexity, relationships, measurement complexity and many other factors.
The best way would be using the 60-day free trial period of Microsoft Fabric, where we will be able to run the entire PoC for free, causing current reports to be updated and processed by this free trial capacity (F64), collecting the real use of this capacity through analysis of the load of your current environment using the “Fabric Capacity Usage Metrics” report, made available by Microsoft itself, in order to identify com muito mais precisão qual capacidade que o seu ambiente necessita.
Our commercial team will survey information in your environment to previously assess how our solution can achieve the maximum possible savings, without losing performance, in a personalized and individual analysis for each client.
The table below can help visualize scenarios when Power Embedded is more advantageous:
Our BI Consulting technical team (contracted separately) will be available to be used to optimize models or redesign the client's architecture to use Analysis Services as a data processing layer and be able to process large volumes of data.
Free trial period of 30 days
I would like to highlight that we will release the system, free of charge, for 30 days, so that you have enough time to test the system, the functionalities offered and ensure that it will meet and exceed the expectations and needs of your business.
We will only start charging the monthly fee for the system after 30 days (counting from installation of the system), being the first payment for the system after 2 months of use. The installation of the system will also only be charged if the customer will continue to use the platform after the testing period, that is, after 30 days from the date of installation.
And about the capacity of Fabric, Microsoft is releasing an evaluation of the F64 capacity of 60 days free, to be able to test both the part of embedding reports and the other features of the platform. Therefore, all of your PoC will be 100% free during the first 30 days.
About the Power Embedded or Fabric capacity
The Embedded capacity charge is calculated at the second level by Microsoft, and converted to hours to generate the final charge, and our system allows us to define the time periods, per day of the week, that the system will be on and off. time, the system itself already turns off the capacity automatically.
If someone tries to access the report outside of these times, the system may turn on automatically to allow them to view the reports and will automatically turn off after a period of inactivity (defined by you).
In addition to cost reduction, all your workspaces will become PREMIUM, freeing up resources in the Power BI service that you don't have with Pro accounts:
- Up to 48 data updates per day
- Datasets larger than 1 GB
- Datamarts (Endpoint SQL)
- Hybrid tables (DirectQuery + Import in the same table, with real-time data too)
- Native versioning with report and model GIT
- Deployment Pipelines (Create multiple environments automatically using DevOps)
- Incremental update of Dataflows
- XMLA Endpoint Support (Allows external tools, such as Tabular Editor, to access and/or modify your published data model. This is often used for automatic model creation and task automation)
- All of these features are available even if you access the workspace with a Pro account
Power Tuning is a Microsoft Solutions Partner
I would also like to remind you that Power Tuning is a Microsoft Solutions Partner in the AI, Data and Azure categories, so if you do not have a Microsoft partner or would like to switch to Power Tuning, to achieve a reduction in licensing costs (Office, Windows, SQL Server, Power BI, etc.) and cost reduction with Azure, you can make Power Tuning your company's Cloud partner.
Benefits of having Power Tuning as your Cloud partner:
- Payments via boleto Not applicable outside Brazil
- Invoice Generation Not applicable outside Brazil
- We calculate the taxes and include them in the invoiceNot applicable outside Brazil
- We are experts in Development and Data, so we do a complete analysis and consultancy when hiring resources, we don't just sell the license.
- Access to Cost Management and Billing. We value transparency and therefore, our customers have access to track the costs of all resources through the Azure portal in real time.
- 24×7 Microsoft Premier Support In case of problems with any product or Azure, you will have priority support from the Microsoft Engineering team, at no additional cost.
- Cheaper licenses. Not applicable outside Brazil
We work hard to optimize costs with Azure and licensing and provide tools, free of charge, that perform a series of analyses to reduce the costs of resources already created:
- Automations to turn off resources at predefined times
- Reserved Instance Usage Analysis to reduce costs by up to 70%
- Resource underutilization analysis, which may reduce the ability to save costs
- Analysis of deviations in the hourly spending pattern, to avoid surprises when the bill arrives. We will notify you of any significant changes in your consumption.
- Intrusion detection when analyzing resources created in non-standard regions