Category: News

Optimizing your licensing costs with Power BI

URL personalizada para os botões de ajuda do portal

URL personalizada para os botões de ajuda do portal Na portal de visualização de relatórios contém um botão de ajuda ao canto inferior direito da tela que redireciona o usuário para documentação do portal. Se precisar redirecionar esse usuário para uma página específica, como a página do seu sistema de chamados ou para o seu…
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Como utilizar o aplicativo móvel (PWA) do Power Embedded

O Power Embedded agora é compatível com dispositivos móveis através de um aplicativo próprio (PWA) e compatível com PC’s Windows, Mac, Linux e também com dispositivos móveis (Android e iOS). Uma outra vantagem desse tipo de aplicativo, é que ele mantém a característica de white-label que o sistema possui, ou seja, o ícone e o…
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New feature: APIs to integrate Power Embedded into your application

How to obtain the API Key to authenticate requests The first step is to obtain the API key from the settings screen to authenticate: With this key, you can now authenticate requests to the API. Managing users through the API Call to list system users: Server response: Where does the array…
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New Feature: Static Row Level Security (RLS)

O RLS dinâmico O Power BI Embedded já suporta o recurso de Segurança a nível de linha (RLS) há um bom tempo, onde você cria uma role no seu modelo do Power BI, implementa as regras de segurança e filtros necessários, especifica o nome da role que deve ser usada para filtrar as permissões e…
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New Feature: Customizing SMTP Account for Sending Emails

O Power Embedded sempre teve a premissa de ser um sistema white-label, permitindo que nossos clientes personalizem toda a identidade visual do sistema incluindo as suas cores e logomarcas. Isso nos motivou a alterar nosso sistema de login completamente, saindo do B2C do Azure para um sistema de login criado internamente pelos nossos desenvolvedores, com a…
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New feature: Login using native Google integration

A few days after we published the New login system integrated with Azure Active Directory (Azure AD), which allows login to the system without entering a password, using Azure AD to authenticate access, we are now publicly releasing the login feature using native integration with Google. This will allow accounts that were added using…
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New login system integrated with Azure Active Directory (Azure AD)

In order to simplify the experience for Power Embedded users, we chose to move away from using the login using Azure B2C to create an entirely new login system, allowing for more visual customizations and a more fluid flow. One of the most important improvements with this new system is the native integration with Azure Active…
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New Feature: External URL Import

Power Embedded is designed to support Power BI reports, whether paginated, dashbords, or traditional reports. A new feature that we are making available today is support for external URL import, which opens up endless possibilities to centralize the management and visualization of reports from different tools on a single platform. You can even…
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New feature: Login screen customization

Power Embedded already supports custom domains, where you configure your company's sub-domain in the system (eg: and your users can access the portal using this URL. This makes a good impression on your user, when accessing a URL that is on the company's domain instead of accessing an external URL,…
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New feature: Paginated report and dashboard support

Today we are celebrating a huge evolution in Power Embedded: Support for paginated reports and dashboards! What is paginated report and dashboard? Paginated reports are designed to be printed or shared. They are called paginated because they are formatted to fit well on a printed page. They display all the data in…
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